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Old Age Security (OAS) clawback calculator
Strategies to minimize OAS clawback

OAS payments are based on net income. If your OAS payments are subject to a clawback, it’s because your net income meets a certain threshold and is considered more adequate than income that a lower-income individual would earn. But there are ways you can minimize your net income, possibly resulting in a higher OAS payment.

Generate tax-efficient investment income

Interest income is taxed at your full marginal rate. Holding investments that generate tax-efficient income in the form of capital gains can help minimize your net income. Tell me more...

Consider purchasing an annuity with your non-registered funds

A portion of each annuity payment is considered a return of capital and is therefore tax-free – only the portion that is interest is taxable.

Make the most of your RRSP

If you are not yet age 71 and have unused RRSP deduction room, make a final RRSP contribution. You don’t have to take your deduction all at once – you can spread it out over time, even beyond age 71. Tell me more...

Borrow to invest

If you have discretionary income, take a loan to invest. Interest on loans for investment purposes may be tax-deductible.

Maximize your tax deductions

Seek professional advice when preparing your income tax return to ensure that you claim all available deductions for your situation.

Defer as much income as you can

Try withdrawing income from a savings vehicle at a slower pace and in smaller amounts.